Mia Cleaners

How to Clean Windows Fast!

Posted on 30/06/2020

The Best Way to Clean Windows

If you have ever attempted to clean your windows at home you will probably already know how tricky it can be? Then try and clean them when the sun is shining and see what a lovely mess of smears you create, making the whole glass look worse than it was before you started, grrr!

Frustrating hell!

So why is it so difficult for us, yet professional window cleaners seem to do this job in like 5 minutes and they look fantastic, what are we doing wrong...... help!
Well anyone can do a great job of the window cleaning, no matter what you use or how you go about it as long as you are prepared to give up your whole day to do it! Getting rid of those smears will take a long time plus plenty of wiping, endless amounts of clean rags and some good old muscle power, if you want to succeed.
If you have a whole day to do this, that’s fine but it’s unlikely that you would want to dedicate a whole day of your life for cleaning windows, surely not? I know I wouldn’t!

So how do we speed it up then?

Well, first of all the quickest way to get the best results is to skip it altogether and pass the job on to the handy window cleaner within your area, there are usually window cleaners appointed to every area (most of which are always seeking extra business and work) so finding one should not be a problem. Also by hiring a window cleaner you are helping to keep that person in business so remember that it’s a good thing for both you and the person you hire.

Next get the kit right!

Window cleaners only succeed with fast and efficient services due to their handy and reliable kit, which never lets them down!
TIP/ remember it is not about fancy detergent and special equipment, it’s actually rather basic. Basic but brilliant so do not spend a fortune, there is no need.
A window cleaner will never be seen without the following, invest in these items once and they will last you a long time, saving you heaps of time on window washing and getting better results too.

•    Squeegee! MUST HAVE ITEM
•    Bucket
•    Water and any detergent (even washing up liquid will do!)
•    Sponge
•    Rubber scraping tool
•    Lint free cloth

And that is virtually it, ok you may wish to get extra sponges and cloths but the bucket, squeegee and rubber scraper will last forever, provided you take good care of it.

So what do I do with my kit?

Before you clean you have to make sure that your kit is clean because you cannot clean windows with a dirty kit!

Then do the following,

•    Wet glass
•    Rubber scraping tool is used to remove stubborn dirt, gently scrape.
•    Wash window with sponge thoroughly.
•    Using squeegee wok horizontally from top to bottom and at a slight angle so that you allow the drip to run vertically down the glass on not onto the areas you have just cleaned.
•    Work your way down the window pane, wiping the squeegee blade between strokes as when is necessary
•    Using the lint free cloth remember to wipe around the frame afterwards to finish the look nicely
•    That is it you are done!

Now clean the kit before moving onto the next window so that you start fresh and clean again.
TIP/ Try to avoid window cleaning when the sun is blaring onto the glass, it’s difficult to see what you are doing and the smears will show no matter how hard you try!

Team Milton
Team Milton

As an experienced cleaning specialist, Team has supported countless customers in obtaining the sanitized property they longed for. His articles emphasize sustainable cleaning practices and hassle-free service delivery.