Mia Cleaners

Great Ideas for a Better Office Cleaning Experience in Haringey

Posted on 18/05/2015

How to Keep Your Office Tidy

office cleaners

If you are running a small business in Haringey and you don’t have the resources to hire a cleaning company, then you will need to think of ways to do the office cleaning yourself. This can be a challenge to fit in around all your other commitments, but there are simple ideas that can help with the main problems. Here are a few of these tips to help you keep your office tidy.

cleaning rota

1)    Cleaning Rotas
While this may not be the best job to do, it is one of the most important. Keeping things like toilets and kitchen areas clean is vital to prevent illness and accidents in your office in Haringey, N4. So that no one person is left the job of cleaning, set up a cleaning schedule that makes sure everyone has to do their part. Ideally, areas such as toilets and kitchens should be cleaned daily, and other areas once a week. This all depends on the type of business you run; if you create a lot of dust and debris, this may need to be done more often. Although, if you are creating a lot of dirt and dust, you may be better employing a specialised cleaning company.


2)    Waste Bins and Recycling
One of the ways that you can keep an office tidy is to have many waste bins available. Having one at each desk or work area will encourage your employees to put their rubbish into the bin. You can also make use of recycle bins in kitchen areas so that you reduce the amount of refuse. Reminding your colleagues that bins should be used – it is not only good practice, it is also sensible health and safety advice. Having rubbish and other refuse in the wrong places can cause trip hazards and fire risk. As a business in the N8 region, you will be required to ensure you meet the correct guidelines.

cleaning equipment

3)    Cleaning Tools And Equipment
Apart from toilet and kitchen cleaning, there may be other things that will need to be kept clean and tidy. Tools and equipment that are used in your company may need to be regularly cleaned and maintained to ensure efficiency and good working order. To make sure that these things are cleaned in the correct way, instruction sheets should be compiled to help employees with the task. You can also create a schedule so that regular cleaning is maintained. There should be sufficient cleaning materials available so that they are always on hand in your N22 office, and of course, a waste bin for any discarded cleaning materials.

office clean

4)    Cleaning Companies
There may come a time when you need to employ a professional cleaning agency in Haringey to do some of the work for you. They can often help with many areas of office cleaning such as windows and carpets. If you have a large carpeted area, then it can be the best choice to use a cleaning service. They will have specialised cleaning machines that will make quick work of your carpet and will save you time and energy. You can also get companies to clean interior and exterior windows. This is especially helpful if you are above the ground floor as these areas may be difficult to reach for you. You can even hire companies to clean computers in your office if needed. They can clear dust and dirt from keyboards and wipe monitors and fans. This can prolong the life of your computers and maintain cleanliness, both of which are important factors in running a business.

Team Milton
Team Milton

As an experienced cleaning specialist, Team has supported countless customers in obtaining the sanitized property they longed for. His articles emphasize sustainable cleaning practices and hassle-free service delivery.